Ontario Fly - In Fishing
Lodges, Resorts, Outfitters and Outposts
is well know for its variety of fly in fishing lodges and outpost adventures. Offering the
perfect challenge. The flawless cast. The ideal catch. Even the most
magnificent spot in which to drop your line. In Ontario. we have more
than 400,000 lakes, creeks, rivers and streams that make up 15 per cent
of the world’s freshwater. These creeks, lakes and streams are full of the
Canada's best and most wanted freshwater sport fish. Only Ontario fly-in
lodges and resorts can offer you more freshwater fishing opportunities
than anywhere else on the planet!

Ontario, Canada, the place where muskie can hit at up to sixty five pounds (100
kg). There are more walleye (pickerel) than anywhere else in the world.
More than eight million of them caught by anglers each and every year.
And they come in sizes to suit everybody, from small ones for great
eating up to an Ontario record 22.25 pounds. In Ontario,
Northern Pike
weighing more than 40 pounds have been landed after an stimulating
fight. There are numerous quantities of Brook, Rainbow, Brown and Lake Trout
including an Ontario record weight of over 63 pounds. Large mouth Bass,
Small mouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Coho and Chinook Salmon are all on the
list of species you can target!
only does Ontario have the most varieties of freshwater fish in the
world, we also have the most fly-in lodges and outposts to catch them.
Ontario has the world’s largest number of fly in resorts and . Their variety
suits every taste, every budget and accommodates every sportfishing
Drop your line in lakes and rivers where fish have never seen a lure
before. Enjoy the majesty of unspoiled wilderness all around you as you
troll among towering pine trees that seem to reach the sky. Come fish
where the only sound to break the quiet is the call of the loon. And the
only waves on a lake’s mirror-like surface are made by you. Discover
spots where peace and quite and excitement combine to give you the best
fishing trip you’ve ever been on and it can be the one you’ve always
dreamed of.
When you come to fish Ontario, one of our many seasoned fly in
outfitters can equip you with everything from a few new lures and
techniques to a complete remote fishing adventure vacation package. And every
vacation package can be custom made to be exactly the kind of
angling experience you want. Fishing is only one of the reasons to come
to Ontario. You’ll also find yourself surrounded by a land of
unparalleled beauty and variety rich with a plentiful display of wildlife.
Dig deeper into out website and find the fishing trip you have always
fantasized about!